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Category Flyer
File Name File Category File Format
FL-1167 - Free File for Vermonters FL-1167.pdf (297.42 KB) Flyer PDF
FL-1306 - Renter Credit Program Information for Landlords FL-1306.pdf (220.29 KB) Flyer PDF
Category Calculator
File Name File Category File Format
2023 Renter Credit Website Calculator 2023 Renter Credit Website Calculator_1.xlsx (47.35 KB) Calculator Spreadsheet
Category Tax Rates and Charts
File Name File Category File Format
GB-1210 - 2024 Income Tax Withholding Instructions, Tables, and Charts GB-1210-2024.pdf (392.98 KB) Tax Rates and Charts PDF
Category Report
File Name File Category File Format
Progress Report Regarding Statewide Reappraisals and Property Data, Pursuant to Act 68 of 2023 RP-1327.pdf (1.7 MB) Report PDF
Current Use Audit Report 2022 RP-1314-2023.pdf (232.99 KB) Report PDF
Category Guide
File Name File Category File Format
GB-1200 - How to Submit Landlord Certificates as Bulk Upload GB-1200.pdf (745.81 KB) Guide PDF
Category Budget, Department, & Legislative Reports
File Name File Category File Format
Vermont Department of Taxes Mission, Goals, and Values VDT Mission Goals and Values-2024.pdf (106.6 KB) Budget, Department, & Legislative Reports PDF
Category Statistics
File Name File Category File Format
Statistics - Property Tax Credits 2022 property_tax_credits_2022.pdf (775.69 KB) Statistics PDF
Statistics - Renter Credit 2022 xls renter_credit_2022.xlsx (31.24 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet