myVTax | Frequently Asked Questions
Tax practitioners may create myVTax accounts so that their clients can allow them access to their tax accounts. Access to client tax accounts is limited to the account types currently available in myVTax.
By Tax or Program
Personal Income Tax
- You may view your account
- Check the status of your refund or returns
- Make payments
Renter Credit
- Form RCC-146, Renter Credit Claim
Homestead Declaration
- Form HS-122, Homestead Declaration Return for Vermont Residents Only
Property Transfer Tax
- Form PTT-172, Property Transfer Tax Return
- Schedule PTT-175, Additional Buyer/Seller
- Form PTT-173, Property Transfer Tax Payment Voucher
- Form PTT-182, Controlling Interest Return
Land Gains Tax
- Form LGT-177, Withholding Return
- Form LGT-178, Land Gains Tax Return
- Schedule LGT-179, Accompanies Form LGT-178
- Schedule LGT-181, Foreclosure Basis Schedule
Bank Franchise Tax
- Form BFT-661: Bank Franchise Tax Return
- Form BFT-662: Tax Credits Earned, Applied, Expired, and Carried Forward for Bank Franchise (if applicable)
Please Note: The Commissioner of Taxes has mandated the electronic filing of all Bank Franchise Tax returns through myVTax.
Business Entity Income Tax
- Form BI-476, Business Income Tax Return for Vermont Residents Only (For qualifying businesses owned exclusively by Vermont residents)
Cannabis Excise Tax
Please Note: The Commissioner of Taxes has mandated the electronic filing of all Cannabis Excise Tax returns through myVTax.
Captive Insurance Premium Tax
- Form CPT-635: Vermont Captive Insurance Tax Return
- Form CPT-636: Captive Insurance Affiliates Schedule (if applicable)
- Form CPT-637: Tax Calculation Schedule for Sponsored Captives (if applicable)
- Form CPT-638: Supporting Schedule for Combining Individual Protected Cells (if applicable)
Please Note: The Commissioner of Taxes has mandated the electronic filing of all Captive Insurance Premium Tax returns through myVTax.
Fiduciary Income Tax
- View your account
- Make payments including quarterly estimated payments
Fuel Tax
- Form FGR-615: Fuel Tax and Petroleum Distributor Licensing Fee Return
Health Care Claims Tax
- Form HCT-607: Health Care Claims Tax (HCCT) Return
- Form HCT-609: Third Party Representation Schedule (if applicable)
Please Note: The Commissioner of Taxes has mandated the electronic filing of all Health Care Claims Tax returns through myVTax.
Insurance Premium Tax
- Form IPT-633: Vermont Insurance Premium Tax Return
- Form IPT-634: Tax Credits Earned, Applied, Expired, and Carried Forward (if applicable)
Please Note: The Commissioner of Taxes has mandated the electronic filing of all Insurance Premium Tax returns through myVTax.
Meals and Rooms Tax
- Form MRT-441: Meals and Rooms Tax Return
Sales and Use Tax
- Form SUT-451: Sales and Use Tax Return
- Form SUT-458: Aviation Jet Fuel and Natural Gas Return
Withholding Tax
- Form WHT-430: Withholding Tax Payment
- Form WHT-434: Annual Withholding Reconciliation
- Form WHT-436: Quarterly Withholding Reconciliation
Modernized e-File Users (MeF): If you file through MeF, you may continue to do so even if the tax type can be filed through myVTax. Personal income tax and fiduciary tax cannot be filed through myVTax and must be filed through MeF vendor software.
- Homestead Declaration Claim
- Property Tax Credit Claim
- Renter Credit
- Landlord Certificate
- Estimated Income Tax
- Property Transfer Tax
- Land Gains Tax
- Land Gains Withholding Tax
- Return Refund Status
- Use Tax
Business and Corporate Income Taxes
- Business Income Tax
- Cannabis Excise Tax
- Corporate Income Taxes
- Meals and Rooms Tax
- Sales and Use Tax (including Streamlined Sales Tax)
- Withholding Tax
- Abandoned Beverage Tax
- Bank Franchise Tax
- Captive Insurance Tax
- Cigarette Tax and Tobacco Products Tax
- Fuel Tax
- Health Care Claims Tax
- Insurance Premium Tax
- Malt and Vinous Beverage Tax
- Solar Energy Capacity Tax
- Solid Waste Tax
- Surplus Lines Insurance and Direct Insurance Placement Tax
- Telephone Gross Receipts Tax
- Telephone Personal Property Tax
- Universal Service Charge (USC)
- Wind-Powered Electric Generating Facility Tax
- Personal Income Tax
- Business Income Tax
- Corporate Income Tax
- Fiduciary Income Tax
- Bulk Upload or Data Enter:
- W-2s/1099/WHT- 434 for electronic submission (1099 upload only)
- Quarterly withholding reconciliations for payroll services
- Landlord certificates to the Department and print certificates for your tenants
- Payment Options:
- Check my estimated payments and carryforwards
- Enter into a payment plan
- Submit:
- Electronic registrations or account updates and closures via the Secretary of State portal
- Account Status:
- Get your 1099-G
- Find status of your personal income tax return and refund at “Where’s my refund?”
- View account balances, including tax, penalty, interest, and credits on all recent periods
- Register for new tax accounts for all account types, except personal income tax, Homestead Declaration, and Renter Credit
- Link your accountant to your account or other third party—no need to share passwords
- Update your information on all account types (including those that can’t be filed through myVTax):
- Addresses
- Names
- Close Accounts
- Managing responsible parties / business principals
- View correspondence for all tax types
- Send the Department a secure message
- Respond to correspondence from the Department
- Dispute a Notice of Intent to Assess
- Additional information requests
- Written appeals
- PIN letters
myVTax relies on modern web browser features to display correctly.
Web browsers are FREE, so there is no reason not to upgrade your browser. By using an out-of-date browser, you leave your computer open to security vulnerabilities that can put your personal information at risk, especially if you use it to do any form of secure communications.
Our recommended web browsers are:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox 45.0 or higher
- Microsoft Edge
- Opera 35.0 or higher
- Safari 5.0 or higher
The minimum requirements to use myVTax are:
- Google Chrome 11.0 or higher
- Mozilla Firefox 4.0 or higher
- Opera 11.0 or higher
- Safari 5.0 or higher
- Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher
Please contact the Vermont Department of Taxes, Taxpayer Services Division at (802) 828-6802 or
Click the SIGN UP hyperlink in the sign in panel on the myVTax Home Page.
From there, you may:
- Register as a new taxpayer
- Add myVTax access for an existing Vermont Tax account
- Register as an accountant, attorney, or third party tax professional to access client accounts
- Activate an account using a myVTax Access Code
Please note: Listers should contact the Department of Taxes to request account set up.
In order to gain access to client accounts, tax practitioners, attorneys, or other third party preparers must first register with myVTax. Practitioners, preparers, or attorneys may give their usernames to their clients so that the clients can add them to their tax accounts. Practitioners, preparers, or attorneys may also get access to their clients by submitting a Third Party Authorization Form online. This allows you to print a paper copy for your client to sign so you may be linked to their tax accounts even if your client does not have a myVTax account.
A valid e-mail address is required in order to sign up for myVTax.
Your e-mail will be used to:
- receive security tokens.
- retrieve forgotten passwords and/or usernames.
- verify user activity.
Reset a Username
Please follow these steps to reset your username:
- Click the FORGOT USERNAME OR PASSWORD hyperlink on the myVTax Home Page.
- Choose your ID type using the pull-down menu, Federal Employer ID or Social Security #
- Enter your ID
- Enter your email address
- Click the EMAIL USERNAME button
- Usernames associated to that email address will be emailed to you.
Reset a Password
Please follow these steps to reset your password:
- Click the FORGOT USERNAME OR PASSWORD? hyperlink on the myVTax Home Page.
- Provide your username and email address
- Click the RESET PASSWORD button
- A password reset hyperlink will be e-mailed to you.
- Follow the link to complete the password reset process
- The process will prompt you to answer the secret question you created when you first set up your account
Please note: If your email address has changed since the time you first registered or you experience any other problem with your username or password, please contact the Taxpayer Services Division at (802) 828-6802 or
If you know your password and need to change it, please follow these steps:
- After you have logged into your account, click the MANAGE MY PROFILE link at the top right of the screen.
- Click the CHANGE PASSWORD link and follow the instructions provided.
- Use the new password the next time you log in to myVTax.
Please follow these steps:
- After you have logged into your account, click the MANAGE MY PROFILE link at the top right of the screen.
- Click the appropriate link to update your name, change an email address, or edit phone a number.
Please note: For other changes to your account, please e-mail the Taxpayer Services Division at
Please follow these steps to close your tax account in myVTax:
- After you have logged into your account, under the Summary tab, click the CLOSE ACCOUNT link.
- Follow the instructions to close your account.
Please follow these steps:
- After you have logged into your account, under the I Want To Tab, click the MANAGE NAMES & ADDRESSES link.
- Click the appropriate tab, Names or Addresses.
- Click on the existing name or address you wish to change, or the ADD link to add an additional name or address.
In order to change or amend a return filed on myVTax, you will need to click into the appropriate period page, and then select the FILE OR AMEND A RETURN link.
Our library of step-by-step guides have all the information you need to complete specific tasks and get the most out of our myVTax services.
For help with myVTax, see:
- How to Log In and File, View, or Amend a Return
- How to Cancel a Web Request
- How to File a Homestead Declaration or Homestead Declaration & Property Tax Credit Claim
- How to File the Land Gains Tax Return (LGT-177 for Buyers)
- How to File the Land Gains Tax Return (LGT-178 for Sellers)
- How to Login and File a Property Transfer Tax Return
- How to Make an e-Payment on an Established Business Account
- How to Make an e-Payment without a myVTax Account
- How to Submit a Third-Party Authorization
- How to Send a Secure Business Message
- How to Recover Your Username and Reset Your Password
Yes. We use a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate to encrypt traffic from your device to our servers.
Security codes contain six characters that you will receive by email or text the first time you log in to myVTax, or when you log in from a new browser or device. This is a method of dual factor authentication to help protect your account's security.
Once you have received a security code you can log into myVTax using your username, password, and security code. When logging in you are asked if you want to trust this browser or not. If you select to trust the browser, you will not have to acquire a new security code unless you log into myVTax from a new browser or device.
Important: The button to trust this browser uses cookies to store your preference on your computer. If you delete your browser's cookies or your browser does not allow for cookies to be saved, you will not be able to trust your browser. Many companies clear browser cookies on office computers nightly, or do not allow them to be saved at all. If this is true for your company and you cannot set an exception for the Vermont Department of Taxes, you may need to acquire a new security code on each log in.
There are a few steps to take if you are not receiving your security code:
Important: To protect the safety of myVTax accounts, Vermont Department of Taxes staff will not change email addresses or phone numbers over the phone for a myVTax account. It is important to confirm you are entering the correct email address or phone number when you register for your account.
- Give the security code a couple minutes to arrive via email or text, especially if you are trying to get the code emailed to a business email address. Many companies have firewalls that delay the receipt of incoming emails to ensure their safety.
- Make sure that the security code has not ended up in your email spam or junk folder.
- If this is the first time you are trying to receive a security code, make sure that you entered the correct email address when you signed up for myVTax.
- If all else fails and you are unable to receive a security code even after taking the steps above and contacting the Department for help, you can file a return without logging into your account. We recommend this if a filing due date is soon and you want to make sure your return is filed on time.
The button to trust this browser uses cookies to store your preference on your computer. If you delete your browser's cookies or your browser does not allow for cookies to be saved, you will not be able to trust your browser. Many companies clear browser cookies on office computers nightly, or do not allow them to be saved at all. If this is true for your company and you cannot set an exception for the Vermont Department of Taxes, you may need to acquire a new security code on each log in.
Before you can allow your accountant or third party tax preparer access to your account in myVTax, your accountant or third party preparer must first register in myVTax. See the FAQ below: "I need to establish a myVTax account to pay my taxes and my client's taxes. What do I do?"
Once your accountant or third party preparer has registered and provided you with their username:
- From your myVTax account, under the I Want To tab, click the MANAGE THIRD PARTY ACCESS hyperlink
- Click the ADD THIRD PARTY hyperlink and follow the instructions
For more information, see Granting Tax Professional Access to a myVTax Account.
Please follow these steps to determine who has access to your account:
- From your myVTax account, go to the I WANT TO tab.
- Click the MANAGE THIRD PARTY ACCESS hyperlink
From here you can also cancel access.
You will need to register with myVTax as a third party.
To do this, please follow these steps:
- Sign up as a tax practitioner or third party:
- From the myVTax homepage, click the SIGN UP hyperlink under the SIGN IN panel
- After you have registered as a third party:
- Inform your client(s) of your login username for myVTax.
- They may then grant you access to their account(s) using that username.
- Once the process has been completed, you will receive an e-mail stating that you have been granted access.
For more information, see Granting Tax Professional Access to a myVTax Account.
Follow these steps to make a payment from the myVTax homepage without logging into myVTax.
- From the myVTax home page, click the MAKE A PAYMENT link.
- On the next page, click the PAY BY E-CHECK (ACH DEBIT) or PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD and follow the online instructions.
For instructions on how to make an e-payment, see myVTax Guide: How to Make an e-Payment Without a myVTax Account.
Please note: Credit Card payments are subject to a 3% processing fee which is retained by the service company.
You may cancel a payment request until 4:00 p.m. the date the payment is scheduled to be made. If you request a payment be made the same day, you may cancel the request until 4:00 p.m. the same day. If you request a payment be made three weeks from now, you may cancel the request until 4:00 p.m. the date the payment is scheduled to be made three weeks from now.
If the payment was made using a myVTax account, please follow these steps:
- Log into your myVTax account.
- Under the I Want To tab, in the PAYMENTS & RETURN panel, click the MANAGE PAYMENTS & RETURNS hyperlink.
- Under the Show Panel, use the pull-down menu to choose PAYMENTS, and PENDING.
- Select the payment you wish to cancel.
- Click the DELETE hyperlink.
- Click YES to confirm you want to withdraw the payment request.
If the payment was made as a non-login, please follow these steps:
- From the myVTax homepage, under the SUBMISSIONS & CORRESPONDENCE panel, click the ACCESS A SAVED MYVTAX REQUEST.
- Enter your e-mail and verification code from your payment request.
- Click the DELETE hyperlink.
You can request a payment plan from within your account, and individuals can also request a payment plan as a non-login.
myVTax Account Holder Payment Plan Request:
- From your logged in myVTax account, from the Summary tab, click the REQUEST A PAYMENT PLAN hyperlink next to the account with an outstanding balance.
- Please read the following page and click NEXT
- You will then be asked to fill in a down payment amount and down payment due date and number of installments, click NEXT
- myVTax will calculate the payment amount. To make changes click PREVIOUS and if acceptable click NEXT
- If you chose ACH Debit you will need to choose an existing payment source or enter the banking information
- Click SUBMIT
- You will be taken to the confirmation page which you can print by clicking the PRINT action button
Non-Login Payment Plan Request:
- From the myVTax Home Page, click the SETUP A PAYMENT PLAN hyperlink in the PAYMENTS panel
- Choose the appropriate selector box to indicate if you are an individual or not
- Enter the required identifying information and click SEARCH
- If the debt is eligible to request a payment plan via myVTax, click the SETUP A PAYMENT PLAN action button
- Please read the following page and click NEXT
- You will then be asked to fill in a down payment amount, down payment due date, and number of installments, then click NEXT
- myVTax will calculate the payment amount, to make changes click PREVIOUS and if acceptable click NEXT
- Choose your payment method, Automatic ACH Debit or Standard Billing
- If you chose ACH Debit you will need to choose an existing payment source or enter the banking information
- Click SUBMIT
- You will be taken to the confirmation page which you can print by clicking the PRINT action button
Property Transfers And Land Gains Tax Return Submissions

The best time to submit a PTT return is after the closing. The return can be saved and accessed later before submitting to the town. Once the return is ready for submission to the town, you can check the box on the final step that indicates the return is ready to be reviewed by a town clerk.
Important: Once you've submitted the return to the town clerk, you cannot make additional alterations without the intervention of the town.
Once the return is submitted to the town clerk, users cannot adjust the return without the town releasing the return to the taxpayer. The town clerk can achieve this by editing the return from their town queue, unchecking the box on the final step that indicates the return is ready for town clerk review, and saving the return. This will allow the preparer to edit the return and re-check that box to send the return back to the town.
When you file a return, one of the steps asks you to print a pre-filled voucher prior to submission. You can also print a pre-filled voucher from the activity section when you access a saved return. These links can be used both prior to sending and after sending to the Town Clerk to print a voucher.
The PTT and LGT returns allow preparers to navigate to the next step even when required information is missing. To do this, you must click the check box at the bottom of the screen for a step where you are unable to complete all required fields. You cannot submit the return without going back and completing the required fields and unchecking that box to indicate you are finished with that section.
Important: Once you have completed all required fields on a step you must also uncheck the box to submit the return.
It is okay if the deed takes longer to record than 60 days. This question is asked to help town clerks manage their workflow and expectations surrounding recordings.
Only one SPAN number can be entered per return. You should enter the information for the "parent" parcel (largest parcel or parcel with homestead) on the main return, then use the system's attachment functionality to include information on the additional parcel(s).
You must bring the paper copy of the return printed from myVTax and evidence of the transfer (ex: deed, bill of sale, etc.). The town clerk will have a record of the return in myVTax and can access it with the information shown on the printed copy.
There is no longer a $5 fee for electronic filing with the Department. Filing on myVTax is free.
The Commissioner's Certificate number is the letter ID printed on the top right corner of the certificate. This ID will consist of ten numbers.
When you file a return, one of the steps asks you to print a pre-filled voucher prior to submission. You can also print a pre-filled voucher from the activity section when you access a saved return. These links can be used to print a voucher both prior to sending and after sending the return to the Town Clerk.
Please follow these steps:
- Log into your myVTax account
- Under the Summary tab locate the account type you need to add a location to and click the ADD ANOTHER LOCATION hyperlink in the accounts I WANT TO panel
- Fill in the required information and click SUBMIT
- Complete the certification page and click SUBMIT
- From the confirmation page click PRINT if you wish to print the confirmation
Please follow these steps:
- Log into your myVTax account
- Under the SUMMARY tab locate the account type you need to update the location for and click the UPDATE AN EXISTING LOCATION hyperlink in the accounts I WANT TO panel
- Fill in the required information and click SUBMIT
- From the confirmation page click PRINT if you wish to print the confirmation
Respond To Correspondence

Watch: How to Respond to Correspondence
To respond to correspondence from the Department, please follow these steps:
From the myVTax Home Page, under the Submissions & Correspondence panel, click the RESPOND TO CORRESPONDENCE hyperlink.
On the Correspondence Response Request screen, enter the Letter ID displayed on the notice you received.
To upload supporting documents from your computer or device, click the ADD hyperlink in the attachment section. Valid document file extensions: .doc, .docx, .jpg, .pdf, .txt, .xls, and .xlsx.
On the popup menu, enter a description of the document.
Click CHOOSE FILE to locate and select the file from your computer or device.
Click OK to add the document to your request.
Repeat as desired to add additional documents.
Once you have finished adding documents, click SUBMIT.
Enter and confirm your email, click the OK action button.
From the confirmation page click the "Print" action button to print your confirmation.
If you've received a first or second notice of assessment, you have the right to appeal your assessment. Appeals must be received within 60 days of the mailing of the notice. When appealing on myVTax please make sure to enter the letter ID associated with your first or second notice of assessment.
An appeal is appropriate if:
- you believe the facts used by the Department are incorrect
- you think the Department is applying a law or regulation incorrectly
An appeal is not appropriate if:
- You are only concerned that you cannot afford to pay the amount you owe. If you cannot pay what you owe, please contact the Department at (802) 828-2518 to set up a payment plan.
If you have received a notice of intent to assess, you can dispute the Department's findings before an official notice of assessment is issued. Disputing a notice of intent to assess is meant to be a more informal process than an appeal. When completing a dispute on myVTax please make sure to enter the letter ID associated with your notice of intent to assess.
Disputing your notice of intent to assess is appropriate if:
- you believe the facts used by the Department are incorrect.
- you think the Department is applying a law or regulation incorrectly.
- you would like to request an abatement of penalties for reasonable cause.
Disputing your notice of intent to assess is not appropriate if:
- you do not have information that could change the assessment
- you are only concerned that you cannot afford to pay the amount you owe. If you cannot pay what you owe, please contact the Department at (802) 828-2518 to set up a payment plan.
When should I appeal?
If you've received a notice of refund reduction, you have the right to appeal. Appeals must be received within 60 days of the mailing of the notice. If you received a refund check for less than you expected, you can still cash that refund without forfeiting your right to appeal. When appealing on myVTax please make sure to enter the letter ID associated with your notice of refund reduction.
An appeal is appropriate if:
- you believe the facts used by the Department are incorrect.
- you think the Department is applying a law or regulation incorrectly.
What should I submit for my appeal?
When submitting your appeal, it is important to be as specific and clear in your position as possible. The Department requires you to attach documentation supporting your position.
- If you believe the facts the Department is using are incorrect, you should submit documents or records as evidence to support the facts you believe are correct.
- If you believe the Department is not correctly applying a law or regulation, you should review the laws or regulations involved in the issue, and submit a response that clearly outlines your position and lists the laws and regulations that you are referencing.
- Regardless of why you are appealing, you should always provide a full list of issues you disagree with and why.
- If there is a best time or method to contact you, provide that information in your appeal.
To learn how to submit documents for an appeal, please see the frequently asked question, How do I Respond to Correspondence?
What should I expect from my appeal?
Once the Department receives your appeal, you will receive an acknowledgement letter that your appeal was received and will be reviewed.
Once the Department has reviewed your appeal, it may:
- Adjust or eliminate its reduction
- Request additional information from you to help make its decision
- Offer you a settlement to resolve the case
- Send a letter informing you of why the reduction will not be adjusted, and offer you an opportunity to challenge that determination or withdraw your appeal
- Ask to schedule a prehearing meeting to discuss the case
- Schedule you for a Commissioner's hearing.
The time it takes the Department to review appeal cases varies depending on the complexity and facts of the case. We strive to respond to all appeals timely. Generally, you can expect to hear from us within 60 days from when you file your appeal.
If you've received a notice of intent to reduce refund, you can dispute the Department's findings before an official notice of refund reduction is issued. Disputing a notice of intent to reduce refund is meant to be a more informal process than an appeal. When completing a dispute on myVTax please make sure to enter the letter ID associated with your notice of intent to reduce refund.
Disputing your notice of intent to reduce refund is appropriate if:
- You believe the facts used by the Department are incorrect
- You think the Department is applying a law or regulation incorrectly
- You would like to request an abatement of penalties for reasonable cause
Disputing your notice of intent to reduce refund is not appropriate if:
- You do not have information that could change the reduction
What should I submit for my dispute?
It is important to be as clear and specific as possible in your dispute. The Department requires you to attach documentation supporting your position.
- If you believe the facts the Department is using are incorrect, you should submit documents or records as evidence to support the facts you believe are correct.
- If you believe the Department is not correctly applying a law or regulation, you should review the laws or regulations involved in the issue, and submit a response that clearly outlines your position and lists the laws and regulations that you are referencing
- If you are requesting an abatement of penalties, you should provide the circumstances that led to the late filing or payment and why an abatement is appropriate.
- If there is a best time or method to contact you, provide that information in your appeal.
To learn how to submit documents for a dispute, please see the frequently asked question, How do I respond to correspondence?
What should I expect from my dispute?
When the Department receives your dispute, you will receive an acknowledgement letter that we are reviewing the information.
Once we have completed our review, one of three actions will occur:
- The Department will adjust or eliminate its assessment
- The Department will request additional information from you to help make its decision
- The Department will send a letter informing you why the assessment will not be adjusted. You will be given an opportunity to appeal the Department's decision within 60 days.
The time it takes the Department to review dispute cases varies depending on the complexity and facts of the case. We strive to respond to all disputes timely. Generally, you can expect to hear from us within 60 days from when you file your dispute.
The Department will not begin collection action while an intended assessment is disputed, but if you are not successful in your dispute, penalty and interest may be included in the ultimate assessment.