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How To Create and Submit A Bulk Upload File For Landlord Certificates

If you have multiple Landlord Certificates to submit to the Department, we have provided a bulk upload spreadsheet that allows you to collect information for numerous tenants, rental units, or both and upload the data to the Department all at once. The minimum record needed to upload is one, and the maximum is 999.

Lot Rent Landlord Certificate Bulk Upload Instructions

Create Your Bulk Upload Spreadsheet

Step 1: Log in to your account

Log into your myVTax account.

Click on the Landlord Certificate Bulk Upload hyperlink under the Payment & Returns section.

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Non-login Bulk Upload Instructions

Visit myVTax and select the Landlord Certificate Bulk Upload link on the home page.

From here, follow the same instructions for Login Bulk Upload beginning with Step 2.

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Step 2: Download the LRC-140 bulk upload spreadsheet

Click Import to download the LRC-140 spreadsheet template and save it to your computer. Note: You may use your own spreadsheet. The system will accept spreadsheets in the common programs, such as Excel, Pages, Google Docs, etc. Please be sure to use headers on the spreadsheet, or if you do not use headers, leave line 1 of your spreadsheet blank.

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Step 3: Match the fields

Input the data into the spreadsheet using the column titles as a guide.

If using your own spreadsheet, make sure the spreadsheet you are using has the same order to the fields as the downloadable version on myVTax. Each item should have its own column. Note: Even if a field is not needed for your tenants, you must still have all the fields in this order on your spreadsheet for Form LRC-140 to generate. Fields may be left blank, but the column must be included in the spreadsheet.

Once the spreadsheet is complete, save it to your computer.

Bulk Upload for Lot Rent

  1. Landlord Name/Park Owner
  2. Landlord Mailing Address
  3. Landlord City
  4. Landlord State - Use state abbreviation
  5. Landlord Zip
  6. Location of LOT
  7. SPAN
  8. Location City/Town
  9. Calendar Year
  10. Tenants Last Name
  11. Tenants First Name
  12. Tenants Middle Initial
  13. Profit Mobile Home - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  14. Land Trust - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  15. Total Lot Rent Paid - Complete if you selected Profit Mobile Home
  16. Land Trust Education Tax - Complete if you selected Land Trust
  17. Land Trust Municipal Tax - Complete if you selected Land Trust
  18. Landlord Signature
  19. Date Filed
  20. Daytime Phone Number

Bulk Upload

  1. Landlord Name
  2. Landlord Mailing Address
  3. Landlord City
  4. Landlord State - Use state abbreviation
  5. Landlord Zip Code
  6. Landlord Phone Number
  7. Location Of Rental Unit
  8. Unit
  9. Unit City
  10. SPAN Number
  11. Landlord Buildings Units
  12. Apartment - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  13. Condominium - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  14. Room in my Primary Residence - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  15. House/Mobile Home - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  16. Nursing Home - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  17. Assisted Living/Community Care - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  18. Last Name
  19. First Name
  20. Calendar Year
  21. Number of Months Rented
  22. Rent Subsidized - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  23. 100 Percent Subsidized - Mark with an 'x' for YES or leave blank for NO
  24. Net Rent Paid
  25. Signature - Type the name of the person who is authorized to sign LRC-140
  26. Date Filed - Date format should MM/DD/YYYY

Upload Your Spreadsheet

Step 4: Upload the file

From the Landlord Certificate Bulk Upload page, select the Import button.

Click on the Choose File button and select the file to be uploaded.

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Step 5: Correct any errors

Once the spreadsheet is uploaded, myVTax brings you to a screen with the Imported Data tab selected. This screen will show any record that has an issue or something to correct.

Once an error is identified, go back to your saved spreadsheet and correct the field in error.

Upload the corrected file by clicking on the Import button, choosing the corrected file and uploading it. This will replace the data you previously had imported.

Once all errors are corrected, you may select the Next button. You are then able to click Submit.

If logged in, the system will ask you for your password. Type in your password and click OK.

You will receive a confirmation number on the next page. Keep this number for your records.

Submit Your Bulk Upload File

Step 6: Submit certificate to Department

Click OK to submit the Landlord Certificate to the Department of Taxes. Beginning in 2022, there is no longer a requirement to provide a copy to tenants.

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Download and Print Instructions (pdf)