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Category Formal Ruling
File Name File Category File Format
Formal Ruling 1996-09 Formal Ruling 1996-09, Pay Per View Movie Videos, Satellite Or Cable Television Programming, And Pay Per Use Video Games (52.61 KB) Formal Ruling PDF
Formal Ruling 1996-08 Formal Ruling 1996-08, Leasing and Financing (52.05 KB) Formal Ruling PDF
Formal Ruling 1996-07 Formal Ruling 1996-07, Water Treatment Systems (48.22 KB) Formal Ruling PDF
Formal Ruling 1996-06 Formal Ruling 1996-06, Toll Road (48.32 KB) Formal Ruling PDF
Formal Ruling 1996-05 Formal Ruling 1996-05, Over the Counter Medical Product (47.04 KB) Formal Ruling PDF
Formal Ruling 1996-04 Formal Ruling 1996-04, The Exchange Of An Item For A Certain Dollar Amount Contribution (48.91 KB) Formal Ruling PDF
Category Research
File Name File Category File Format
PVR Annual Report 2016 Data - EGL Not Eq EGLspltNotEq_09FEB16_1154am.xls (27.65 KB) Research Spreadsheet
Category Form
File Name File Category File Format
2014 Form HS-122W 2014 Form HS-122W, Vermont Homestead Declaration and/or Property Tax Adjustment Withdrawal (115.62 KB) Form PDF
2014 Form FI-162 2014 Form FI-162, VT Capital Gains Exclusions for Estates or Trusts (248.17 KB) Form PDF
Category Statistics
File Name File Category File Format
Statistics - Income Town 2011 xls 2011 Vermont Tax Statistics - Town Spreadsheet (107.5 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet