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Category Flyer
File Name File Category File Format
FL-1167 - Free File for Vermonters FL-1167.pdf (297.42 KB) Flyer PDF
FL-1306 - Renter Credit Program Information for Landlords FL-1306.pdf (220.29 KB) Flyer PDF
Category Calculator
File Name File Category File Format
2023 Renter Credit Website Calculator 2023 Renter Credit Website Calculator_1.xlsx (47.35 KB) Calculator Spreadsheet
Category Report
File Name File Category File Format
Progress Report Regarding Statewide Reappraisals and Property Data, Pursuant to Act 68 of 2023 RP-1327.pdf (1.7 MB) Report PDF
Current Use Audit Report 2022 RP-1314-2023.pdf (232.99 KB) Report PDF
Category Tax Rates and Charts
File Name File Category File Format
GB-1210 - 2024 Income Tax Withholding Instructions, Tables, and Charts GB-1210-2024.pdf (392.98 KB) Tax Rates and Charts PDF
Category Guide
File Name File Category File Format
GB-1200 - How to Submit Landlord Certificates as Bulk Upload GB-1200.pdf (745.81 KB) Guide PDF
Category Budget, Department, & Legislative Reports
File Name File Category File Format
Vermont Department of Taxes Mission, Goals, and Values VDT Mission Goals and Values-2024.pdf (106.6 KB) Budget, Department, & Legislative Reports PDF
Category Statistics
File Name File Category File Format
Statistics - Property Tax Credits 2022 property_tax_credits_2022.pdf (775.69 KB) Statistics PDF
Statistics - Renter Credit 2022 renter_credit_2022.pdf (343.36 KB) Statistics PDF