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Category Data
File Name File Category File Format
PVR Annual Report 2019 Data - Res Ownership xls ResOwnershp2019_50.xlsx (26.35 KB) Data Spreadsheet
PVR Annual Report 2019 Data - Statutory Ex StatutoryEx2019_52.xlsx (23.48 KB) Data Spreadsheet
PVR Annual Report 2019 Data - Taxes Rates TaxesRates_2019.xlsx (42.71 KB) Data Spreadsheet
PVR Annual Report 2019 Data - Effective Tax Rates xls EffectiveTR2019_26.xlsx (26.53 KB) Data Spreadsheet
PVR Annual Report 2019 Data - Total Tax Rates TotTaxRate_2019.xlsx (19.35 KB) Data Spreadsheet
Category Form
File Name File Category File Format
Form PVR-4111 Form PVR-4111, Notice to Taxpayers Abstracts of Individual Lists (122.36 KB) Form PDF
Form PVR-4155 Form PVR-4155, Certificate - No Appeal or Suit Pending (157.61 KB) Form PDF
Category Guide
File Name File Category File Format
Guide - How to File an Annual Purchase Summary Report GB-1171.pdf (862.41 KB) Guide PDF
Category Fact Sheet
File Name File Category File Format
Fact Sheet - Vermont Sales and Use Tax Applied on Renewable Energy Generation Facilities FS-1182.pdf (255.31 KB) Fact Sheet PDF
Category Worksheet
File Name File Category File Format
Valuation of Subsidized Housing Worksheet 2020 Subsidized Housing - tax year 2020.xls (413 KB) Worksheet Spreadsheet