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Category Statistics
File Name File Category File Format
Sales and Use Tax Statistics: Jan 2021 - Update 01312021SUTStatsMonthlyReport180Day.xlsx (145.25 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet
Meals and Rooms Tax Statistics: May 2021 - Preliminary 05312021MRTStatsMonthlyReport75Day.xlsx (137.93 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet
Meals and Rooms Tax Statistics: Jan 2021 - Update 01312021MRTStatsMonthlyReport180Day.xlsx (138.64 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet
Meals and Rooms Tax Statistics: Q2 2021 - Preliminary 06302021MRTStatsQuarterlyReport75Day.xlsx (140.09 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet
Sales and Use Tax Statistics: Feb 2021 - Update 02282021SUTStatsMonthlyReport180Day.xlsx (145.24 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet
Meals and Rooms Tax Statistics: Feb 2021 - Update 02282021MRTStatsMonthlyReport180Day.xlsx (138.72 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet
Sales and Use Tax Statistics: Q2 2021 - Preliminary 06302021SUTStatsQuarterlyReport75Day.xlsx (155.44 KB) Statistics Spreadsheet
Category Identification
File Name File Category File Format
SPAN Data List Current Use Certification 2022AgCertRequiredListWeb.xlsx (146.1 KB) Identification Spreadsheet
Category News
File Name File Category File Format
Newsletter From Your District Advisor October 2021 District Advisor Newsletter-October2021.pdf (427.72 KB) News PDF
Category Research
File Name File Category File Format
PVR Annual Report 2020 Data - Mun EPV June_MunEPV2020_46.xlsx (29.47 KB) Research Spreadsheet