Who Can Sign Up for myVTax?
myVTax is available for corporate and business taxpayers to file their income taxes, employer withholding tax, sales and use tax, meals and rooms tax, and other business tax types.
Requirement to File Using myVTax
Taxpayers must use myVTax to file returns for the following tax types:
- Sales and Use Tax for multiple locations
- Sales and Use Tax that reports Universal Service Charge
- Sales and Use Tax that reports cannabis sales
- Sales and Use Tax when tax remitted for the prior calendar year exceeded $100,000
- Meals and Rooms Tax for multiple locations
- Meals and Rooms Tax when tax remitted for the prior calendar year exceeded $100,000
- Meals and Rooms Tax when the business is required to pay the Short-Term Rental Surcharge
- Any return that reports one or more local option taxes
- Withholding when total tax remitted for the prior calendar year exceeded $100,000
- Abandoned Beverage Deposits (Form ABD-614)
- Malt and Vinous Beverages (Form MVB-613)
- Bank Franchise Tax
- Captive Insurance Premium Tax
- Insurance Premium Tax (traditional)
- Health Care Claims Tax
- Surplus Lines Insurance and Direct Insurance Placement Tax
- Landlord Certificates or Lot Rent Certificates when there are five or more tenants occupying any property
In addition, tax practitioners who prepare more than 10 tax returns per year must use myVTax to file all Vermont taxes. The Director of the Division of Taxpayer Services will consider a written request for an exemption based on extraordinary circumstances.
How Do I Sign Up?
On the myVTax homepage, click the Need An Account? Click Here to Register in the login box. Signing up for myVTax is free.
You may:
- Register as a new taxpayer. Watch video.
- Add myVTax Access for an existing Vermont Tax account
- Register as an accountant or other third-party tax professional to access client accounts. Watch video.
- Register as a Landlord. Watch video.
- Activate an account using a myVTax Access Code
Having Trouble?
Having trouble creating a myVTax account? You can file and pay your monthly business taxes without creating a login. Simply click on File A Return in the Returns section on the myVTax home page.
File and Pay Your Sales & Use, Meals & Rooms, or Withholding Taxes
Business taxpayers can pay sales & use, meals & rooms and withholding tax bills on myVTax.
File and Pay Your Personal Income Tax Bills and Income Tax Estimates
Personal income tax bills and estimated income tax payments can be paid using myVTax. You do not need a login account. Watch video.
Need Help?
Our tax examiners are available to answer your questions about myVTax Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Business and Corporate taxpayer help: Call 802-828-2551 or email tax.business@vermont.gov.
Individual taxpayer help: Call 802-828-2865 or email tax.individualincome@vermont.gov.