The Department of Taxes provides information about requirements and options for those who own and operate businesses in Vermont. Topics covered here include the following:
- Filing and paying the various Vermont taxes owed by businesses and corporations
- Various requirements for filing business and corporate taxes
- Learn about myVTax, our online filing website
- Gain access to a client's myVTax account
- Avoiding common filing errors, including reviewing and reporting updates from vendors about software errors
- Access information about your clients’ tax returns
- Request an extension for additional time to prepare a return
- Becoming an agent for clients as a Special Power of Attorney
- Learning about business tax credits that are available to Vermont businesses
- A general introduction to understanding Vermont business taxes
Requirement to E-File Business and Corporate Income Taxes
Tax practitioners who prepare more than 10 tax returns per year must file all Vermont Corporate Income Taxes, Business Income Taxes, and Fiduciary Income Taxes electronically. The Director of the Division of Taxpayer Services will consider a written request for an exemption based on extraordinary circumstances.