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On-Demand Webinars and Training Materials

Watch recorded webinars and access training materials.

2025 Current Use Program Training 

This webinar covers how listers should calculate excluded land for allocation, calculate the Fair Market Value for Land Use Change Tax (LUCT) purposes, and review their duties as a lister. This is a must for both new and seasoned listers and assessors. This course incorporates all functions performed in myVTax, eCuse, and those implemented in VTPIE. It also explains the differences between the software platforms.

Download the 2025 Current Use course documentation.

Download the 2025 Current Use Training presentation.

Session 1 | Recorded March 6, 2025

Session 2 | Recorded March 7, 2025

Equalization Study and Sales Review | Recorded February 20, 2025

This webinar provides an opportunity to learn how to validate your sales accurately and thoroughly. The proper research and validation of sales are paramount to getting accurate results because they directly affect a municipality’s tax rate, Common Level of Appraisal (CLA), and reappraisal status.

Download the Equalization Study and Sales Validation training material.

Download the Equalization Study and Sales Review presentation.

Processing Homestead Declarations | Recorded February 10, 2025

This webinar guides listers and assessors through the process of reviewing homesteads filed by taxpayers, updating town records to reflect the filings received, and responding to Taxpayer Services with errors, updates, or additional information about a filing. The training demonstrates how the process is completed in the Vermont Property Information Exchange (VTPIE).

Download the guide, Form HS-122: How to Download and Report to the Vermont Department of Taxes

Grand List Training for Towns | Recorded on February 6, 2025

Pat Santoso, of Catalis, goes over how to import and reconcile your exemptions from NEMRC, how to generate your first grand list (2025) and reconcile it, and how to maintain your grand list and exemptions in VTPIE.

Download the 2025 Grand List Reconciliation Process presentation.

Download the Exemptions and Grand List presentation.

Utility Vendors Training in VTPIE | Recorded on January 30, 2025

Dave Selzer, from Catalis, goes over how to utilize the new Vermont Property Information Exchange (VTPIE) UVS inventory entry. The first portion of the training (the first 47 minutes) is customized for Electric Transmission and Distribution Providers, and the second portion is for Municipal and Cooperative Electric Utility Providers. 

Download the Electric Transmission and Distribution Provider presentation.

Download the Municipal and Cooperative Electric Utility Providers presentation..

Act 68 IAAO Report - Webinar for Stakeholders | Recorded on October 8, 2024

Justin Eimers from the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) reviews recommendations pursuant to Act 68 of 2023 with interested stakeholders. Download this presentation (pdf).

Vermont Statutes and Real Estate Training with Jim Knapp

This webinar explores the sources of law that regulate the process of establishing value and assessing property taxes. It looks at the major sources of law, the Constitution, statutes, cases, and regulations, with a focus on the laws applicable to tasks performed by municipal assessing officials.

Session 1 | Recorded July 16, 2024

Session 2 | Recorded July 17, 2024

Reappraisal Wrap-Up and Equalization Study Sales Validation Training | Recorded on June 18, 2024

This webinar provides guidance and instructions on what the State needs from municipal listers and assessors to complete a reappraisal, what that information is used for, and how to process your sales review for the Equalization Study.

New and Seasoned Lister Training

This course provides an in-depth overview of the job duties of a lister. You will learn about the various responsibilities of the office including lodging a grand list and downloading homestead declarations. Special attention is given to schedules, exemptions, current use calculation, and office administration. You will also learn about the New England Municipal Resource Center (NEMRC) grand list program, covering the basics and providing helpful tips for new and seasoned listers. The final day will focus on lister work in the VTPIE program and there is a demo from the state wide mapping program by VCGI See also New Lister Training (pdf).

Session 1 | Recorded on March 26, 2024

Session 2 | Recorded on March 28, 2024

Session 3 | Recorded on April 2, 2024

Session 4 | Recorded on April 4, 2024

Processing Homestead Declarations in VTPIE | Recorded on February 20, 2024

This webinar guides listers and assessors through the process of reviewing homesteads filed by taxpayers, updating town records to reflect the filings received, and responding to Taxpayer Services with errors, updates, or additional information about a filing. The training demonstrates how the process is completed in the Vermont Property Information Exchange (VTPIE), the new software program the Department of Taxes is transitioning to.

Reappraisal Reality | Presented on March 14, 2023

This presentation provides an overview of the current reappraisal circumstance. A full reappraisal class will be offered at a later date. In this session, we will discuss market trends, effects on the common level of appraisal (CLA), pending legislation and how these changes may affect your CLA, coefficient of dispersion (COD) and overall assessment work.

Equalization Study - How to Read and Understand the Results | Recorded on February 14, 2023

This webinar demonstrates how to read sales reports and final computation sheet and what it means for your town. See also Understanding Your Equalization Study Results (pdf).

Equalization and Sales Validation Training | Recorded on February 9, 2022

This webinar provides an opportunity to learn how to validate your sales accurately and in a thorough manner. The proper research and validation of sales are paramount to accurate results since this directly affects a municipality’s tax rate, Common Level of Appraisal (CLA), and reappraisal status. See also Sales Validation and Equalization Training Slides (pdf).


Grand List Clean Up | Recorded on April 28, 2021

Learn how to identify and correct errors in your grand list. Administrative clean-up will be very important in the next year to ensure an easy data transition to the new grand list program. Now is the time to learn and employ easy tips to check your data.

Deed Reading and Exemptions Training | Recorded on April 21, 2021

Learn the importance of reading deeds, how to understand the elements of a deed, and how it affects your work in the lister’s office. This course also delves into types of exemptions and the statutes that are applicable. See also Deed Reading Basics for Listers and Assessors (pdf).



Advanced Lister Training

This one-day course is designed for listers who have had three or more years of experience in their office and have completed New Lister Training. It covers the equalization study and a brief introduction to the various statistics within the study; tracking the market, reappraisal requirements and utility valuation.

Course Material (pdf)

Current Use Training

This training covers how listers should calculate excluded land for allocation, calculate the Fair Market Value for Land Use Change Tax (LUCT) purposes, and review the one's duties as a lister. This is a must for both new and seasoned lister and assessors. This course incorporates all functions performed in myVTax, eCuse, as well as those implemented in VTPIE, and clarifies the differences.

Course Material (pdf)

Data Collection

This four-day course is designed to train listers and others interested in the fine art of data collection and property inspection. It also covers the type of information a data collector needs to generate a value using MicroSolve CAMA program, as well as providing background for other systems. Topics include grading factors, determining quality and condition, and the data collector’s role in reappraisal. This course will be of interest to listers / assessors, appraisers and mass appraisal firms.

Course Material (pdf)

Equalization and Certified Sales Training

Would you like to understand how sales in your town impact your Common Level of Appraisal? If so, this is a course you won’t want to miss. This one-day session will cover the sales verification process, how ratios are calculated and how your Common Level of Appraisal is calculated as well as the Coefficient of Dispersion. We will discuss what towns can do when they see the numbers changing to track and consider addressing problem areas.

Course Material (pdf)

Land Schedule

This one-day session will show you how to gather and quantify your sales data, determine influencing factors and deal with sales outside your community.  The morning session will cover the theory of land valuation and data gathering, while the afternoon session will focus on developing the sales grid.  Issues more specific to neighborhoods and lakefront properties will be discussed in the afternoon session. This course is required for VPA III and is useful for developing a new land schedule or understanding the existing process.

Course Material (pdf)

State Statutes and Rules of Property Assessment

Learn from former Director of PVR, Jim Knapp about the state statutes and rules regarding property assessment. Join with your colleagues to explore the sources of the law that regulate the process of establishing value and assessing property taxes.  We will look at the major sources of laws, the constitution, statutes, cases and regulations.  The sessions will provide you with the tools to find statutes, cases and regulations from various online resources and in the published materials. The class will focus on the laws applicable the tasks that municipal assessing officials perform. The discussions will include:

  • The sources of law
  • How laws are created and changed
  • How to find the law in the books and how to use online resources
  • How the judicial system operates and how cases are tried
  • Reading court decisions and how judges apply the law to factual situations
  • Scenarios involving exempt properties

There will also be plenty of time for questions and discussion of topic of interest to the audience.

Course Material (pdf)

Tips and Tricks for Office Organization

This one-day session will show you some excellent ideas to organize your files and your office. District Advisors Christie Wright, Teri Gildersleeve and Chris Landin have compiled some great ideas from various lister’s offices and are excited to share them with you.

Course Material (pdf)