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Prior Year Forms

Select the tax year to see a list of available forms and instructions. For forms not listed, or if you are unable to download and print forms from our website, you may request paper forms be mailed to you. Please complete the order form below.

By Tax Year



Tax Form and Instruction Online Order Form

Income Tax Booklet

Tax Year (Select all that apply)

  • IN-111, Vermont Income Tax Return
  • IN-112, Vermont Tax Adjustments and Credits
  • IN-113, Income Adjustment Calculations
  • IN-116, Income Tax Payment Voucher
  • RCC-146, Renter Credit Claim
  • HS-122, Vermont Homestead Declaration AND Property Tax Credit Claim
  • HI-144, Household Income
  • and Lifeline Telecommunications Program Information


IN-114, Individual Income Estimated Tax Payment Voucher

Tax Year (Select all that apply)


IN-151, Application for Extension of Time to File Form In-111 Vermont Individual Income Tax Return


IN-152, Underpayment of Estimated Individual Income Tax

Tax Year (Select all that apply)


IN-153, Capital Gain Exclusion Calculation

Tax Year (Select all that apply)


LRC-140, Vermont Landlord Certificate

*Landlords with five or more tenants occupying any property are required to file Landlord Certificates electronically through myVTax.


LRC-147, Statement of Rent for Mobile Home Park Lot Rent, Co-ops, and Land Trusts

*Landlords with five or more tenants occupying any property are required to file Landlord Certificates electronically through myVTax.


Additional Form Requests

Enter form name or number

Tax Year (Select all that apply)


Your Contact Information

If you are requesting forms on a company’s behalf.



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