The Hold Harmless payment is designed to hold the municipality harmless from loss in municipal revenue resulting for the assessment of property at use value. 32 V.S.A. §3760. The methodology to calculate the payment is as follows:
District tax rate set by municipality
Total municipal listed value as of April 1, 20xx
Total exempt reduction due to use value enrollment
Adjusted Muni LV assuming no enrollment (B + C)
Total municipal taxes assessed
Previous hold harmless payment
Total funds to be raised assuming no enrollment (E+F)
Tax Rate assuming no enrollment (G/D*100)
The Hold Harmless payment is based solely on the municipal tax rate unless the current use land is also located in a district on which your municipality levies an additional rate (“sub-municipal tax district”). In cases where current use land is known by PVR to be in sub-municipal tax districts, an estimate for payment for that sub-municipal tax district is also calculated. If any additional sub-municipal tax districts should be used in the Hold Harmless calculation, the town must notify PVR in writing in order for an additional sub-municipal tax rate to be applied.
As of FY17 this program is no longer administered as a grant.
Fiscal Year 2025 - Estimates
Hold Harmless payments for land enrolled in current use are identified in the following report. Payments to municipalities will be issued on or about November 1.